Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Haas EWMBA Wine Tour 2009

Date: Sunday, August 23
Time: 8:30AM
Location: Sonoma, CA

Register: http://www.evite.com/pages/invite/viewInvite.jsp?inviteId=CVBBNIHGOGHVWHTVXMIH&li=iq&src=email&trk=aei3

Cost: Students: $60 / Guests: $75 (includes transportation, lunch and wine tasting)

Please join your fellow EWMBA classmates for a tour of Sonoma Wine. Due to space constraints on the bus and at the wineries, we only have spots for 55 people. EWMBA students are allowed to invite one non-student guest, but guests will have to pay a slightly higher fee. Only those who pay will be guaranteed a spot. Please follow the link above to send payment via paypal to rajsiva99@hotmail.com and advise your name and name of guest if applicable.