Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2009 Committee's Welcome Message

Greeting from the Social Committee! Social Committee is composed of 7 members from both 2010 and 2011 classes, representing both evening and weekend cohorts:

Carmen Chan
Raj Sivasubramanian

Sheri Atienza
Karen Cassidy
Praveen Kudithipudi
Tina Shibue

Executive Sponsor:
Vijay Bhaskaran

Our goal is to extend partnership not only between both Evening and Weekend cohorts but also between full time and part time program.

Welcome Party for EWMBA Students

Join the celebration as we welcome a new community of Haas alumni. "Welcome Party" is a fun, casual, and festive opportunity to meet other EWMBA students and also welcome newly-admitted students to the world of Haas.

Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD

For questions, contact: Raj at rajsiva99@hotmail.com

Haas EWMBA Wine Tour 2009

Date: Sunday, August 23
Time: 8:30AM
Location: Sonoma, CA

Register: http://www.evite.com/pages/invite/viewInvite.jsp?inviteId=CVBBNIHGOGHVWHTVXMIH&li=iq&src=email&trk=aei3

Cost: Students: $60 / Guests: $75 (includes transportation, lunch and wine tasting)

Please join your fellow EWMBA classmates for a tour of Sonoma Wine. Due to space constraints on the bus and at the wineries, we only have spots for 55 people. EWMBA students are allowed to invite one non-student guest, but guests will have to pay a slightly higher fee. Only those who pay will be guaranteed a spot. Please follow the link above to send payment via paypal to rajsiva99@hotmail.com and advise your name and name of guest if applicable.